Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Churches Cooperative Credit Union launches its "Season of Giving - Part 1" Campaign on Monday April 20, 2009

Basil Naar General Manager – Churches Co-operative Credit Union presents Racquel Burford (Left) & Margaret Loney (Centre) of The Best Care Foundation with a cheque in keeping with their “Season of Giving Campaign-Part 1” that was launched on Monday at CCCU’s head office on Eureka Road.

On Monday, April 20, 2009, Churches Co-operative Credit Union launched the Churches "Season of Giving” Campaign Part 1. This campaign includes the “Churches Supporting Churches Project” which focuses on providing assistance towards church related outreach programmes.

The bold initiative will see the Credit Union making donations to at least ten (10) churches, charitable organisations and worthy causes as well as carrying out social outreach and providing support for the performing arts throughout the year.

CCCU you made several presentations to beneficiaries of this new initiative, namely:

  • Kingston/Redeemer Moravian Church

  • St. Francis Primary School

  • Best Care Foundation

The launch took place at the head office on Eureka Road on Monday afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Credit Union making donations to at least ten (10) churches, charitable organizations and worthy causes as well as carrying out social outreach and providing support for the performing arts throughout the year. Credit unions are really superb.

    Credit union caimpaigns
